Monday, January 12, 2015

worst holiday ever

Its been 6 months I studied in SMAN 3 Bandung, and the exam week has passed, and holiday is coming. But this holiday my family wasn’t complete. My mom wasn’t here, she went to Germany to visit her family until January.
 A month before holiday my dad was planning a trip for us to go to Singapore by ship, he is very exited about this but unfortunately he got dengue diseases and he is been hospitalized so we cancel the trip. Because my mom wasn’t here, grandma pick us up to her home and we stayed at granma’s until dad go home. 
And then I got fever for 2 weeks it feels horrible, my tongue can’t tasted any food and I lose my appetite and no one visited me, including my boyfriend, he is not visiting me at all but he gave me a flower. And its hard to communicating my Mom, its hard to tell my mom about the situation, because theres wifi is rare and the difference of the time.
 And then I broke up with my boyfriend, I don’t even know why we broke up but it makes me down. And I lose my weight, I lose about 15 kg. and i fight with my bestfriend because something and the problem is getting bigger 
, I feels so lonely, it feels like I have no one to talk to, I’m very sad, I cry a lot, and I lose so many weight because im stressed. and others problem showed up.
 Then I go to Jakarta by myself to visited my uncle and that cheers me a little bit. I feel paralyzed, I don’t want to go back to Bandung because im not comfortable anymore, and I started looking for new school at Jakarta I think its better if I move here and meet new people. But my dad doesn't agree about that. So I go back to Bandung. and i think my relation with my friends are getting better we play together again. and my dad now already fit alhamdulillah.